// Создаем новую конечную точку для получения JWT токена add_action('rest_api_init', function() { register_rest_route('spb-api/v1', '/token', [ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'custom_jwt_auth', 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', // Позволяет любому пользователю обращаться к конечной точке ]); }); // Логика для новой конечной точки function custom_jwt_auth(WP_REST_Request $request) { $username = $request->get_param('username'); $password = $request->get_param('password'); // Проверяем, предоставлены ли логин и пароль if (empty($username) || empty($password)) { return new WP_Error('missing_credentials', 'Username or password is missing', ['status' => 400]); } // Аутентификация пользователя $user = wp_authenticate($username, $password); if (is_wp_error($user)) { return $user; // Возвращаем ошибку аутентификации } // Генерация JWT токена $token = \Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode([ 'iss' => get_bloginfo('url'), // Источник токена 'iat' => time(), // Время создания токена 'nbf' => time(), // Токен действителен с текущего времени 'exp' => time() + (DAY_IN_SECONDS * 7), // Истекает через 7 дней 'data' => [ 'user' => [ 'id' => $user->ID, ] ] ], JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY, 'HS256'); // Возвращаем токен и информацию о пользователе return [ 'token' => $token, 'user_id' => $user->ID, 'user_email' => $user->user_email, 'user_nicename' => $user->user_nicename, 'user_display_name' => $user->display_name, ]; } // Удаляем стандартные конечные точки плагина JWT add_filter('rest_endpoints', function($endpoints) { if (isset($endpoints['/jwt-auth/v1/token'])) { unset($endpoints['/jwt-auth/v1/token']); } if (isset($endpoints['/jwt-auth/v1/token/validate'])) { unset($endpoints['/jwt-auth/v1/token/validate']); } return $endpoints; }); Bird Feeding Advice for New Bird Owners

Bird Feeding Tips

Bird Feeding Tips

By Mary Cobb

Bird feeding is a pleasurable hobby since we get to enjoy nature and feed birds. Your own bird-friendly place is achievable in Dubai’s busy metropolitan environment. However, bird food in Dubai has a lot of variety as it accommodates even the migrating bird. So, along with the following feeding tips and food, it may attract and nurture Dubai’s wonderful birds.

Use Right Parts

Bird feeder selection is critical. Eating habits and preferences vary per bird. Tube feeders spread seeds and attract insectivorous birds like woodpeckers to suet feeders. Platform feeders hold various birdseed sizes and shapes.

Give Birds a Variety of Seeds

Feed many bird species specialized bird food. Common seeds include nyjer, broken corn, millet, and sunflower. Use a variety of seeds in your feeders to attract more birds and keep your aviary lively and colorful.

Regularly Clean Feeders

Keep feeders clean to avoid bird disease. Unsanitary bird feeders breed mildew and germs. Clean feeding areas make birds healthy.

Align Feeders

Set up bird feeders in advance so birds and birdwatchers can discover them. Find a weatherproof spot where you can watch the birds.

Give Them Potable Water

Potable water is essential. Water is vital to birds. A small bowl for birds is a wonderful idea. Keep the water clean by replacing it periodically.

Monitor Feeders and Replenish As Needed

Keep bird feeders stocked and replace as required. A steady food source is important for birds. Maintaining feeders and replenishing them might attract more birds.

Wait and Watch

Bird feeding is fun since you can watch them. Sit back and watch the birds at your feeders. The distinctive look and behavior of each species reveal their civilization.

Avoid Unhealthy Food

Birds shouldn’t eat human food. Avoid giving children chocolate, coffee, avocado, alcohol, and moldy food. Use non-toxic, bird-friendly medicines to protect them.

Follow Local Laws

Check whether bird feeding is allowed in your area. Although there may be rules to protect the ecology, feeding birds is good.

Record Observations

Birdwatching notebooks may record sightings, observations, and bird behavior. Seeing the different bird species in your area may be fun.

End Note

These feeding methods might attract birds to your Dubai outdoor space. Nature lovers may watch stunning birds while assisting local bird species. Eurovets Veterinary Medicines offers the best kind of food for birds with respect to each bird species.